Building mutually beneficial relationships between Africa and Europe is the focus of the Eu-ropean African Centre for Development. We drive new ideas and solutions across countries by merging knowledge, sharing social, cultural, and economic initiatives, leadership, entre-preneurship, business, education, and research. As a 21st-century organization, we also com-bine cutting-edge technology and processes to uncover solutions to pressing social and eco-nomic challenges. We spread ideas that promote progressive and inclusive social coexist-ence. Our intention is to create mutual opportunities for our stakeholders, both in Europe and Africa. We do this by bringing world-class, game-changing ideas and initiatives to different fields of endeavor. As a 21st-century organization, We connect the dots, linking Europe with Africa and driv-ing ideas and solutions while we focus on people and projects.

  • Assist in developing the human sciences' infrastructure and research capabilities.
  • Assist in developing the human sciences' infrastructure and research capabilities.
  • By researching and analyzing developmental concerns, attend to the needs of disadvantaged and marginalized groups in society, thereby improving their standard of living.
  • Create and make accessible data sets that support research, policy creation, and public discourse on developmental concerns.
  • Develop innovative and improved methods for generating these data sets.
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Our mission is to provide a world-class platform and facilitate initiatives as well as projects in the areas of social, cultural, and economic shares. We are committed to implementing cutting-edge knowledge in the areas of innovation, leadership, entrepreneurship, and knowledge sharing.
People make up the majority of our research subjects. Most of the data and information acquired will probably be of a personal nature. Our company's research leadership and researchers are fully aware of the ethical issues surrounding research involving human subjects, and all study ideas are subject to planning and review procedures that take these issues into account. We meticulously monitor the performance, execution, and completion of research projects to ensure our researchers and every project collaborator uphold the highest ethical standards.